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Image by Amy Sibert

live fully

 Essential Anxiety Skills

 3 Session Course $129

What if you could choose
instead of anxiety choosing for you?

This Course Is For You If:

You feel like you can't calm yourself down at times
You have negative thoughts, worries, or self judgements that cause you to feel anxious
You're anxious about becoming anxious
You are a perfectionist or fear making a mistake
You get the "sunday scaries"

You avoid certain places, people and experiences
You have anxious thoughts about the future
You worry about being judged, or being rejected by others​

You're worried you'll always feel this way
You're worn out from feeling anxious
You want to support someone suffering with anxiety
Image by McKayla Crump

I've had anxiety since I was a child, I've tried many types of support over the years but it wasn't until coaching with Carrie that things actually changed. I learned tools I use all the time, not all of the tools were new to me, but now I really understand how to use them - and they work. I never imagined I could feel like this  - secure, confident and in control of my life! Katie

Anxiety does not have to come between you and meaningful moments.



  • respond more effectively to anxiety so that it doesn't control you or run your life


  • reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety


  • live by the choices that are most important and meaningful to you rather than feeling as if you have to avoid life


  • be grounded in the present moment


  • think with openness in the moment​


  • learn how to lower anxiety with sustained practicing of strategies

Image by René Porter

The Essential Anxiety Skills Course allows you to:

My clients experience up
to 80% i

*The data comes from the standardized anxiety assessments my clients take before coaching, and multiple times throughout coaching. 

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I'm in a very different place than before. I feel much less fear and I'm able to be more present, and enjoy my life.  Fear for me is now circumstance based whereas before it was part of my daily life" Jen


What You Can Expect In 3 Sessions:

Discover the one place anxiety can't exist and the routes to get you there


  • A strategy to increase mental stability and reduce the intensity and frequency of anxiety in your life

  • Let go of the self judgment and shame you have about anxiety

  • A strategy to reduce the physical symptoms you experience with anxiety

  • A guided in session experience:

      Let's get calm

Learn how to reduce the impact of negative thoughts and worry

  • Learn how we accidentally trigger anxiety and what you can do to avoid an accident

  • Understand why positive thinking doesn't help us, and what we can do instead to support ourselves

  • 2 more tools to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety 

  • A guided  in session experience:

      Let's get even calmer 

Reduce the restrictions anxiety has on your life

  • A scientifically proven way to feel safe and secure

  • The mistake most of us make that amplifies anxiety, and what we can do instead to prevent anxiety taking  over our lives

  • Learn how to tolerate the difficult feelings of anxiety

  • A guided in session practice:

      Let's get EVEN calmer YET

Image by Nathan Dumlao

live fully

More benefits of the Essential Anxiety Skills course 

You will learn the skills and practices that get my clients results 


It’s an affordable and accessible way to learn what I offer my clients in private sessions


A manageable short term course that offers evidence based strategies  you can do at your own pace


Strategies and tools offered one at time to allow for practice in between sessions and to prevent overwhelm 


Guided exercises in the sessions




About your Coach

Hello there! I'm Carrie Southern, an ICF Certified Emotional Wellness and Mental Health Coach. For nearly two decades I've been helping people suffer less and live more meaningful lives. I extensively use evidenced based strategies and tools to ensure you get the changes you are longing for. Outside of my private practice I coach for Lyra Health, the leading provider of Mental Health Coaching.  I hope you will join me in the  Essential Anxiety Skills series. 

As a Lyra Health coach I am proud to have Oprah's support

Oprah backs Lyra_edited.jpg

"Mental health is a fundamental issue that has to be addressed in order to create healthier lives and healthier communities. Lyra Health plays a critical role in this transformation by removing barriers around mental health support and improving the quality of care."

Oprah Winfrey

live fully

 Essential Anxiety Skills

 3 Session Course

Begins Sunday April 3 $69

How the Course Works:



When you register you will receive the first video session to watch.


After you have watched the first video, take a week to practice the skills and tools from the first video session.


One week later you will receive the video for session 2.


Practice the skills from sessions 1 and 2 for at least one week.


One week later you will receive the final video session.

Practice the skills and tools from session 1, 2, and 3.



You set your own pace. For example taking 2-3 weeks to practice before moving onto the next session.


For best results practice the skills and tools offered in each video session for at least one week before advancing to the next video session.


You can rewatch the video sessions as many times as you need to.


The video sessions include guided experiences you can repeatedly use.

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